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Google Home APK for Android

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Latest Version Google Home APK for Android (Version
Operating System Android
Requirements Android Marsmallow or Later
Author / Product Google LLC

Google recently spawned an innovative product by introducing the Google Home APK for Android. Also, a Google Chromecast, a small device that functions to protect your smartphone and computer screens onto a much larger television screen.

According to some reviews, this little device is very easy to use. Chromecast gives you the satisfaction and convenience of enjoying a screen much bigger than the screen of your smartphone or computer. Come on, see more of this explanation!

Google Home APK for Android
Google Home APK for Android

Table of Contents

What is Chromecast?

Google Chromecast is an HDMI dongle or adapter that allows you to connect your TV with gadgets via an internet connection. Therefore, many people use this tool to make their TV into a kind of Smart TV.

However, keep in mind this Google Home APK is a receiver only. So, you can’t activate it without other devices such as laptops or smartphones. In addition, this device can only use Google applications such as Google Chrome, Google Home, to YouTube.

The Chromecast Functions

You need to know that Chromecast has 3 functions called casting. The three functions are App Casting, Tab Casting, and Screen Casting. You can see an explanation of these three functions below.

  • App Casting or Google Cast Ready
    In an App Casting, the functions possessed by Chromecast are not much different from the media player. However, this function is only limited to streaming site services, be it video or music.

A streaming site that already supports Chromecast will eventually have a Cast button. After you determine the video to watch, then you only need to press the Cast button found on the website or application. Then the video will be automatically played on the HDTV.

  • Tab Casting or Chrome Tab Casting
    Previously, you may have been used to browsing the internet using the Google Chrome browser on a laptop or computer. In the Chrome application some tabs have functions to display different pages. Each of these tabs can later be forwarded by the Chromecast dongle and then to the HDTV. That way, you can also surf the internet via HDTV.

To be able to use it, then you must install the Google Cast Extension on Chrome. But remember that this extension is only for the Google Chrome browser on a computer or laptop device. After that, you just add it to your browser extension.

  • Screen Casting or Screen Mirroring
    The latest feature of Chromecast allows you to do screen mirroring. Chromecast can be used to cast Android screens to HDTV. However, this feature is known to be limited to Android devices. If you can’t use this feature, you may need to update your Chromecast.

So, you will not regret installing and using the Google Home APK download. So, download and install it soon!|