
TeXMaker for Windows

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Free Download ( 81.1 MB ) Fast & Secure
Latest Version TeXMaker for Windows (Version 5.1.3)
Operating System Windows
Requirements Windows 7 32 or Later
Author / Product Pascal Brachet

TeXMaker for Windows is a freeware, contemporary, and a cross-platform LaTeX editor for all OS, especially Windows which combines many of the tools required to create LaTeX documents into a single program.

Unicode support, auto-completion, code folding, spell checking, as well as a built-in PDF viewer including continuous view mode and syntax support are all included in Texmaker.

Table of Contents


TeXMaker Review

Despite the rise of online networks, document publishing formats, and e-book, TeX is still the foundation of scientific, academic, and technical publication, much as it has been since the late 1970s. TeX’s objective has always been to simplify and standardize greater typesetting and publishing between platforms.

TeX’s document programming language is LaTeX, and TeX documents must be created with LaTeX editors. Texmaker from ATG is a freeware LaTeX editor. It is a modern, cross-platform program that combines all of the capabilities required to prepare and generate TeX documents into a single interface.

TeXMaker download for Windows as a freeware also supports Unicode and has features including a spell checker, code-folding, autocompletion, and an inbuilt PDF viewer. For reminder, TeXMaker free download for every operating system such as Windows.

Here are some screenshots of TeXMaker

TeXMaker for Windows
TeXMaker for Windows

The interface design of Texmaker is similar to those of other program-specific text-editing programs, but with a sleeker design that utilizes modest use of color as well as highlighting to differentiate Texmaker out from old-timers that are still used on workstations as well as desktops across academia, industry, and elsewhere.

Highlights and Features

  1. Unicode editor: The program is completely Unicode as well as supports a wide range of encodings.
  2. Integrated Spell Checker: While typing, this program provides spell checking.
  3. Master Mode: With such “master mode,” this program for Windows lets you work quickly on papers that are partitioned into many files.
  4. Built-in PDF Viewer: The program provides a PDF reader including continuous scroll with support for SyncTex.
  5. Simple Compilation: “Quick build” instructions allow for “one-click” compilation.
  6. Mathematical Symbols: With a single click, 370 mathematical symbols may be entered.
  7. Wizards: The package provides wizards for producing the most common LaTeX code.
  8. Handling Errors: After a compilation, the software automatically locates problems and warnings discovered in the log file, and you may access the associated lines in the text with a single click.
  9. Look in the Folders: This tool allows you to search for text throughout all latex documents in such a folder. When you click on such a line, the program will open the document at that line.
  10. Selection of Rectangular Blocks: With the mouse and the Alt key, you may easily pick a rectangle shape. Users may easily copy/cut/paste table columns.
  11. LaTeX Documentation: This fantastic program includes extensive LaTeX documentation.
  12. Endless Snippets: Tex creator allows users to define an endless number of snippets using keyboard triggers