PDF Compressor (2021 Latest) Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 | Commonly, files of PDF mostly contain much information. And, the files are generally with big or large sizes. Because of this case, sometimes, you will feel difficult to save those files or even cannot send the files to your friends through an email.
In this case, PDF Compressor for Windows comes to solve your problem. It can perfectly compress all of your PDF files’ great size. You can use or even save this PDF Compressor easily.
It is about PDF Compressor for Windows
One application or website that is also well known and widely used to compress PDF file is PDF Compressor. With this website, you can compress your PDF files by up to 70%. You can also directly upload several files at the same time. This certainly helps you to save time.
Not only compressing files, PDF Compressor if you can use it to convert PDF files into DOC, DOCX, JPG, Text, and many more. Apart from that, you can also convert files with other formats into PDF.
This PDF compressor is able to reduce PDF size by up to 92%. However, the compressed file will be converted into ZIP format at first. It means that you need to UNZIP it before you open the file which has been compressed.
Here are some screenshots and Features of PDF Compressor #01
Screenshots and Features #02
Screenshots and Features #03
How to compress files using PDF Compressor?
It is very simple and also easy to use PDF Compressor. Below are the complete steps that you and other beginners can try to use it:
- Add the files of PDF
When you want to compress the PDF file of yours, of course, you have to add your files firstly to the PDF Compressor software. How to add your PDF file? You can see the option “add” and then you click it. Or, you drag & drop directly the files of yours.
Once this step is done, this PDF Compressor directly scans your file for checking if your files have a virus or even free. Read More PDF-XChange Lite Printer for Windows
- Compress the files of PDF
If you have uploaded your files successfully, then, you can click the button “compress” and also the button “download”. You also can use the options for advancement. You only need to click the button “more option”. Then, the software will optimize all images and also remove all unused images and fonts.
- Configure the resolution and quality of the image
It also can optimize your image with the best quality in the format of JPEG. You only have to choose the section of image quality, they are “best” or “good”.
To get a good resolution, you can select “more option” and choose the required resolution of the image. It also gives a “grayscale” option. Just select the greyscale and then choose the “image conversion”.
The advantage of PDF Compressor
- Simple and easy to use
Even if you are a beginner, you can use it easily because it is very simple. It will only need a very short time to compress your files. You only need to upload all files online without installing the software.
- Adjustable quality
It has a great feature for adjusting your compressed file quality. Then, you will get good results. The file of PDF with an image will show good results when you compress it in contrast to files of text only.
- Secure compression via online
In uploading the files, security issues are nothing. They will be deleted permanently after you finish all the processes.
- And many more
Those are everything about PDF Compressor.
Developer : pdfcompressor
File Size : 15.2 MB